Thursday, June 26, 2008



Information, Knowledge, Wisdom...

Bill, Mary and Dick were passengers on the Titanic.

Bill counted all the lifeboats. He knew exactly how many paces it was from his cabin to the nearest lifeboat. Bill had information, but when the Titanic sank, he was busy counting icebergs and he drowned.

Mary was a naval architect. She had designed the Titanic and all of its lifeboats. Mary had knowledge, but when the Titanic sank, she was unable to lower one of the lifeboats and she drowned.

Dick was a sailor. He had practised lowering lifeboats most of his life. Dick had skill, and when the Titanic sank, he saved himself and many others.

Jane was not a passenger on the Titanic. She took one look at the inadequate number of lifeboats on the ‘unsinkable’ ship and refused to sail on it. Jane had wisdom.


  现代人处于一个信息超载(information overload)的时代,我们在学习某个领域的过程中,一般都可以通过各种渠道获得大量的事实(fact)和数据(data)。这些信息需要经过消化、整理之后,才能综合成我们的知识。




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